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Low-Fidelity Prototype


The wireframes/wireflow below map the user scenarios illustrated for each user persona. Using Whimsical's wireframe tools, I digitized my wireframes for ease of reading and detail, as well as to more easily conduct my evaluation over a video call. 



FEATURE 3: Following events, venues, and artists


Copy of DH150_A05_Rebecca Lin (4) copy.p



Copy of DH150_A05_Rebecca Lin (5) copy.p

The original scenario only utilized the following/saving an event feature, but with user feedback, I updated the feature also include a following artists/venues function (see Evaluation section). This features allows a level of user personalization to the app: they can save events and following venues and artists to receive notifications about new events and ticket info.


With this function, users can:

  • Find recommended events and music based on a linked Spotify account and app data 

  • Save events to receive notifications about any event and ticket updates

  • Follow artists to receive notifications about any new events added in their area

  • Follow venues to receive notifications about any new events added


The user did not have any problems with the actual wireflow, but found that the user-personalized features could be better explained. Although the For You page was not necessarily part of the scenario, the user found that it would help to clarify that landing page. She also suggest detailing the following artist and venues flows. 



  • Create following artist and venue flows (shown to the right)

  • Create user personalization page

  • Change playlist names

  • Add a row of tags beneath search bar on list view

DH199 - Hearby - Task 3 Wireflow (2).png
DH199 - Hearby - Task 3 Wireflow (3).png

Following venue wireflow

Following artist wireflow

DH199 - Hearby - Task 3 Wireflow (3).png
Feature 3 Scenario
Feature 3 Wireflow
Feature 3 Evaluation


(Click to go to full-resolution on Whimsical)

DH199 - Hearby - Task 3 Wireflow (2).png
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